Source code for

"""Functions to support comparisons between SIAF files.

    Johannes Sahlmann

    The format of the difference files was adapted from Colin Cox'
    dict_compare was adapted from


from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import sys

from astropy.table import vstack, Table
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

from ..constants import JWST_PRD_VERSION
from import get_siaf, read_siaf_aperture_definitions
from ..siaf import Siaf
from ..aperture import Aperture
from ..utils import tools
from ..aperture import compare_apertures

# Show plot only if in ipython session, if not in ipython always save plot
# Either in the specified location, or in the current directory
[docs] def show_save_plot(report_dir): ipython = tools.is_ipython() if ipython: outdir = report_dir else: if report_dir is not None: outdir = report_dir else: outdir = os.environ['HOME'] return outdir
[docs] def compare_siaf(comparison_siaf_input, fractional_tolerance=1e-4, reference_siaf_input=None, report_file=None, report_dir=None, verbose=True, make_figures=False, selected_aperture_name=None, ignore_attributes=None, tags=None): """Compare two SIAF files and write a difference file. Generate comparison figures showing the apertures if specified. Parameters ---------- comparison_siaf_input : str (absolute file name) or pysiaf.Siaf object The SIAF that will be compared to the reference_siaf fractional_tolerance : float Value above which a fractional difference in parameter value will be written in the report reference_siaf_input : str (absolute file name) or pysiaf.Siaf object The reference SIAF. Defaults to the current PRD content. report_file : report_dir : verbose make_figures selected_aperture_name """ if verbose: print(comparison_siaf_input) comparison_siaf = get_siaf(comparison_siaf_input) instrument = comparison_siaf.instrument if verbose: print(instrument) if reference_siaf_input is None: reference_siaf = Siaf(instrument) reference_siaf_description = '{}-{}'.format(instrument, JWST_PRD_VERSION) else: reference_siaf = get_siaf(reference_siaf_input) reference_siaf_description = reference_siaf.description.replace('.', '_') if report_file is None: print_file = sys.stdout else: print_file = open(report_file, 'w') reference_tag = reference_siaf_description comparison_tag = comparison_siaf.description.replace('.', '_') if tags is not None: reference_tag = '{}'.format(tags['reference']) comparison_tag = '{}'.format(tags['comparison']) if report_dir is not None: report_file = os.path.join(report_dir, '{}_diff_{}_{}.txt'.format( instrument, reference_tag, comparison_tag)).replace(' ', '_') print_file = open(report_file, 'w') if verbose: print('Reference: {} apertures in {}'.format( len(reference_siaf), reference_tag), file=print_file) print('Comparison: {} apertures in {}\n'.format( len(comparison_siaf), comparison_tag), file=print_file) added_aperture_names, removed_aperture_names, modified_apertures, same_apertures = \ dict_compare(comparison_siaf.apertures, reference_siaf.apertures) show_added = False show_removed = False if len(added_aperture_names) != 0: show_added = True if len(removed_aperture_names) != 0: show_removed = True if show_added: attributes_to_show = 'AperName XDetRef YDetRef XSciSize YSciSize XSciRef YSciRef V2Ref ' \ 'V3Ref'.split() print('Number of added apertures {}:'.format(len(added_aperture_names)), file=print_file) print('\t{0:5s} {1}'.format('', ' '.join(['{:>12s}'.format(a) for a in attributes_to_show])), file=print_file) for aperture_name in added_aperture_names: print('\tAdded {}'.format(' '.join(['{:12}'.format( # getattr(comparison_siaf[aperture_name], a)) getattr(comparison_siaf[aperture_name], a) if getattr(comparison_siaf[aperture_name], a) is not None else 'None') for a in attributes_to_show])), file=print_file) print() if show_removed: print('Number of removed apertures {}:'.format(len(removed_aperture_names)), file=print_file) for aperture_name in removed_aperture_names: print('\tRemoved {}'.format(aperture_name), file=print_file) print() print('Number of modified apertures {}. Significant modifications are listed below.'.format( len(modified_apertures)), file=print_file) print('Differences are reported for any text change', file=print_file) print('and fractional differences greater than {}\n'.format(fractional_tolerance), file=print_file) if selected_aperture_name is not None: print('Only the following selected apertures are shown: {}.\n'.format( selected_aperture_name), file=print_file) print('{:25} {:>15} {:>21} {:>21} {:>15} {:>10}'.format('Aperture', 'Attribute', 'Reference', 'Comparison', 'Difference', 'Percent'), file=print_file) report_table = None # sort SIAF entries in the order of the aperture definition file siaf_aperture_definitions = read_siaf_aperture_definitions(instrument) aperture_name_list = siaf_aperture_definitions['AperName'].tolist() modified_apertures = OrderedDict( sorted(modified_apertures.items(), key=lambda t: aperture_name_list.index(t[0]))) for aperture_name in modified_apertures.keys(): if (selected_aperture_name is not None) and (aperture_name not in list(selected_aperture_name)): continue comparison_table = compare_apertures(reference_siaf[aperture_name], comparison_siaf[aperture_name], fractional_tolerance=fractional_tolerance, print_file=print_file, verbose=False, ignore_attributes=ignore_attributes) if report_table is None: report_table = comparison_table.copy() else: report_table = vstack((report_table, comparison_table)) if report_file is not None: print_file.close() if verbose: print('Wrote difference file to {}'.format(report_file)) if make_figures: for j, aperture_name in enumerate(report_table['aperture'].data): pl.close('all') aperture_name = aperture_name.decode() reference_aperture = reference_siaf[aperture_name] if ('FULL' in aperture_name) and ('MASK' not in aperture_name) and \ (reference_aperture.AperType in ['FULLSCA']) and \ (report_table['attribute'][j] in ['V2Ref', 'V3Ref']) and \ (report_table['difference'][j] != 'N/A') and \ (float(report_table['difference'][j]) > 1.0): print('Plotting {}'.format(reference_aperture.AperName)) comparison_aperture = comparison_siaf[aperture_name] pl.figure(figsize=(7, 7), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') pl.clf() reference_aperture.plot(fill=False, line_style='--', line_label='Reference') comparison_aperture.plot(line_label='Comparison') pl.legend(loc=1) pl.title(aperture_name) # outdir = show_save_plot(report_dir=report_dir) don't want to run for now outdir = report_dir if outdir is not None: figure_name = os.path.join(outdir, '{}_{}_diff_{}_{}.pdf'.format( instrument, aperture_name, reference_siaf_description, comparison_siaf.description.replace('.', '_'))).replace(' ', '_') pl.savefig(figure_name, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=300)
[docs] def compare_transformation_roundtrip(comparison_siaf_input, fractional_tolerance=1e-4, reference_siaf_input=None, report_file=None, report_dir=None, verbose=True, make_figures=False, selected_aperture_name=None, skipped_aperture_type=None, instrument=None, make_plot=False, tags=None): """Compare the forward-backward roundtrip transformations of two SIAF files. and write a difference file. Parameters ---------- comparison_siaf_input : str (absolute file name) or pysiaf.Siaf object The SIAF that will be compared to the reference_siaf fractional_tolerance : float Value above which a fractional difference in parameter value will be written in the report reference_siaf_input : str (absolute file name) or pysiaf.Siaf object The reference SIAF. Defaults to the current PRD content. report_file report_dir verbose make_figures selected_aperture_name : str or list aperture name(s) to include in plot skipped_aperture_type : str or list aperture type(s) not to include in plot instrument make_plot Returns ------- roundtrip_table : astropy.table.Table object table containing roundtrip data """ if verbose: print(comparison_siaf_input) comparison_siaf = get_siaf(comparison_siaf_input) instrument = comparison_siaf.instrument if verbose: print(instrument) if reference_siaf_input is None: reference_siaf = Siaf(instrument) reference_siaf_description = '{}-{}'.format(instrument, JWST_PRD_VERSION) else: reference_siaf = get_siaf(reference_siaf_input) reference_siaf_description = reference_siaf.description.replace('.', '_') reference_tag = reference_siaf_description comparison_tag = comparison_siaf.description.replace('.', '_') if tags is not None: reference_tag = '{}'.format(tags['reference']) comparison_tag = '{}'.format(tags['comparison']) if report_file is None: print_file = sys.stdout else: print_file = open(report_file, 'w') if report_dir is not None: report_file = os.path.join(report_dir, '{}_roundtrip_{}_{}.txt'. format(instrument, reference_tag, comparison_tag)).replace(' ', '_') print_file = open(report_file, 'w') if verbose: print('Reference: {} apertures in {} (index 0 in table below)'.format(len(reference_siaf), reference_tag), file=print_file) print('Comparison: {} apertures in {} (index 1 in table below)\n'.format(len(comparison_siaf), comparison_tag), file=print_file) siaf_list = [reference_siaf, comparison_siaf] roundtrip_dict = OrderedDict() round_trip_tags = 'metric dx_mean dy_mean dx_rms dy_rms'.split() for key in 'AperName'.split() + ['siaf{}_{}'.format(j, tag) for j in range(len(siaf_list)) for tag in round_trip_tags]: roundtrip_dict[key] = [] # index 0 is for reference SIAF (defaults to PRD) # index 1 is for comparison SIAF for AperName, aperture in reference_siaf.apertures.items(): pl.ion() pl.close('all') if (selected_aperture_name is not None) and (AperName not in list(selected_aperture_name)): continue if (skipped_aperture_type is not None) and (aperture.AperType in list(skipped_aperture_type)): continue if AperName not in comparison_siaf.apertures: # skip removed apertures continue for j, siaf in enumerate(siaf_list): aperture = siaf[AperName] coefficients = aperture.get_polynomial_coefficients() if (coefficients is not None) and (coefficients['Sci2IdlX'][0] is not None): if AperName not in roundtrip_dict['AperName']: roundtrip_dict['AperName'].append(AperName) roundtrip_errors = tools.compute_roundtrip_error(coefficients['Sci2IdlX'], coefficients['Sci2IdlY'], coefficients['Idl2SciX'], coefficients['Idl2SciY'], offset_x=aperture.XSciRef, offset_y=aperture.YSciRef, instrument=instrument, grid_amplitude=aperture.XSciSize) for k, tag in enumerate(round_trip_tags): # if tag != 'data': roundtrip_dict['siaf{}_{}'.format(j, tag)].append(roundtrip_errors[k]) if make_plot: data = roundtrip_errors[-1] pl.figure(figsize=(6, 6), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') pl.quiver(data['x'], data['y'], data['x']-data['x2'], data['y']-data['y2'], angles='xy') pl.xlabel('x_sci') pl.ylabel('y_sci') aperture.plot(frame='sci', ax=pl.gca()) ax = pl.gca() pl.text(0.5, 0.9, 'Maximum arrow length {:3.3f} pix'.format( np.max(np.linalg.norm([data['x']-data['x2'], data['y']-data['y2']], axis=0))), horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) pl.title('siaf{}: {} Roundtrip error sci->idl->sci'.format(j, AperName)) outdir = show_save_plot(report_dir=report_dir) if outdir is not None: figure_name = os.path.join(outdir, '{}_{}_siaf{}_roundtrip_error.pdf'. format(instrument, AperName, j)).replace(' ', '_') pl.savefig(figure_name, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) roundtrip_table = Table(roundtrip_dict) for k, tag in enumerate(round_trip_tags): roundtrip_table['difference_{}'.format(tag)] = roundtrip_table['siaf{}_{}'.format(1, tag)] \ - roundtrip_table['siaf{}_{}'.format(0, tag)] absolute_differences = np.array([np.abs(roundtrip_table['difference_{}'.format(tag)]) for tag in round_trip_tags[1:]]) bad_index = np.where(np.any(absolute_differences > 1e-9, axis=0))[0] fstring = '{' + ','.join(["'%s': '%%1.6f'" % (c) for c in roundtrip_table.colnames if '_mean' in c]) + '}' roundtrip_table['AperName siaf0_dx_mean siaf0_dy_mean siaf1_dx_mean siaf1_dy_mean ' 'difference_dx_mean difference_dy_mean'.split()].\ write(print_file, format='ascii.fixed_width', delimiter=',', delimiter_pad=' ', bookend=False, overwrite=True, formats=eval(fstring)) print('Apertures with significant roundtrip error differences:') roundtrip_table[bad_index].pprint() # roundtrip_table.write() if report_dir is not None: # pl.close('all') fig = pl.figure(figsize=(30, 6), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') pl.clf() # pl.subplot(2,1,1) pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf0_dx_mean'], 'b-', label='{} dx_mean'.format(tags['reference'])) pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf0_dy_mean'], 'r-', label='{} dy_mean'.format(tags['reference'])) pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf1_dx_mean'], 'ko--', label='{} dx_mean'.format(tags['comparison'])) pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf1_dy_mean'], 'go--', label='{} dy_mean'.format(tags['comparison'])) pl.title('Mean absolute difference') pl.legend() # pl.subplot(2,1,2) # pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf0_dx_rms'], 'b-', label='PRD dx_mean') # pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf0_dy_rms'], 'r-', label='PRD dy_mean') # pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf1_dx_rms'], 'ko--', label='fixed dx_mean') # pl.plot(roundtrip_table['siaf1_dy_rms'], 'go--', label='fixed dy_mean') # pl.title('RMS absolute difference') pl.ylabel('(pixel)') pl.xticks(np.arange(len(roundtrip_table)), roundtrip_table['AperName'], rotation='vertical', fontsize=8) # pl.margins(0.2) pl.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) outdir = show_save_plot(report_dir=report_dir) figure_name = os.path.join(outdir, '{}_{}_{}_sci_idl_roundtrip_error.pdf'.format( instrument, tags['reference'], tags['comparison'])).replace(' ', '_') pl.savefig(figure_name, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) return roundtrip_table
[docs] def dict_compare(dictionary_1, dictionary_2): """Compare two dictionaries and return keys of the differing items. From Parameters ---------- dictionary_1 : dict first dictionary dictionary_2 : dict second dictionary Returns ------- added, removed, modified, same : set Sets of dictionary keys that were added, removed, modified, or are the same """ d1_keys = set(dictionary_1.keys()) d2_keys = set(dictionary_2.keys()) intersect_keys = d1_keys.intersection(d2_keys) added = d1_keys - d2_keys removed = d2_keys - d1_keys modified = {} for o in intersect_keys: for key in dictionary_1[o].__dict__.keys(): if isinstance(dictionary_1[o].__dict__[key], Aperture) and isinstance(dictionary_2[o].__dict__[key], Aperture): # No need to compare apertures a second time since they're part of original dictionary_1/2 continue else: if dictionary_1[o].__dict__[key] != dictionary_2[o].__dict__[key]: modified[o] = (dictionary_1[o], dictionary_2[o]) same = set(o for o in intersect_keys if dictionary_1[o].__dict__ == dictionary_2[o].__dict__) return added, removed, modified, same
[docs] def compare_inspection_figures(comparison_siaf_input, reference_siaf_input=None, report_dir=None, selected_aperture_name=None, skipped_aperture_type=None, tags=None, mark_ref=False, xlimits=None, ylimits=None, filename_appendix='', label=False): """Visualize aperture of two SIAF files. Parameters ---------- comparison_siaf_input : str (absolute file name) or pysiaf.Siaf object The SIAF that will be compared to the reference_siaf reference_siaf_input : str (absolute file name) or pysiaf.Siaf object The reference SIAF. Defaults to the current PRD content. report_dir selected_aperture_name str or list aperture name(s) to include in plot skipped_aperture_type : str or list aperture type(s) not to include in plot tags xlimits : tuple of limits of output plots ylimits : tuple of limits of output plots Returns ------- """ comparison_siaf = get_siaf(comparison_siaf_input) instrument = comparison_siaf.instrument if reference_siaf_input is None: reference_siaf = Siaf(instrument) reference_siaf_description = '{}-{}'.format(instrument, JWST_PRD_VERSION) else: reference_siaf = get_siaf(reference_siaf_input) reference_siaf_description = reference_siaf.description.replace('.', '_') reference_tag = reference_siaf_description comparison_tag = comparison_siaf.description.replace('.', '_') if tags is not None: reference_tag = '{}'.format(tags['reference']) comparison_tag = '{}'.format(tags['comparison']) siaf_list = [reference_siaf, comparison_siaf] tag_list = [reference_tag, comparison_tag] # index 0 is for reference SIAF (defaults to PRD) # index 1 is for comparison SIAF for j, siaf in enumerate(siaf_list): pl.figure(figsize=(15, 15), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') pl.clf() for aperture_name, aperture in siaf.apertures.items(): if (selected_aperture_name is not None) and (aperture_name not in list(selected_aperture_name)): continue if (skipped_aperture_type is not None) and (aperture.AperType in list(skipped_aperture_type)): continue aperture.plot(mark_ref=mark_ref, label=label) pl.title(tag_list[j]) if xlimits is not None: pl.xlim(*xlimits) if ylimits is not None: pl.ylim(*ylimits) outdir = show_save_plot(report_dir=report_dir) if outdir is not None: figure_name = os.path.join(outdir, '{}_{}_apertures_{}.pdf'.format(instrument, tag_list[j], filename_appendix).replace(' ', '_')) pl.savefig(figure_name, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)